What it takes to be a blogger

I’m sitting here wondering what to write about. What will friends, family, even, employers think? Then I’m wondering why I would make my political opinions and some personal experiences available to the public.

Who cares right? This is the safest way to freely express yourself via words these days without facing mace, or at least probation. If employers or friends pick and choose me by my moral compass, thoughts, and essentially; who I am – then fantastic! That is how it should be, right?

I love writing, and I’m craving school. Due to some personal issues, moving around, and a terrible slum lord – I do think I’m withdrawing from school. I am so sad I was required to either take a break or fail terribly in school. OR, fail economically – for my son. If I were alone, I would live under a bridge with my laptop and tap into Tim Horton’s wifi for school.

As of now, I’m off to work, my son Mason is asleep and I’m watching, “Orange is the new Black.” You know, the Netflix series? Not too shabby – I am a decade behind on television.

I’m not attending school to be a writer, but I am having second thoughts. Writing is so therapeutic. I do enjoy it. My teachers rave about my work as a writer. As a writer throughout all variations of , not just composition ones.

Advice? Switch master from BMA concentrating on information security. I can do that job FANTASTIC, and my son will be secure. However, a life as a writer would be so exhilarating to me. Wondering if everyone hated my latest article, anticipation of the daily paper before the sun rises. I imagine me, in the Detroit cold weather, standing outside, coffee in one hand, $1 in change in another – just cannot wait to hold my first contributed paper in my hands. I don’t know why it is cold – maybe because I tend to do everything hard. Or, maybe it is because I am my most creative in the colder months; therefore, subconsciously I know my best writing will be during winter hibernation. LOL
I hope some of you newbies feel the same, and maybe I can just learn from yawl. I hear people actually make money doing this. That is amazing. I’m such a book worm, here I go – breaking out into the world. I now do not turn my papers in at school, I turn them in here.

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